CommerceBuddy 3.0 Postoffice Sent Items

Sent Items
Post Office button -> Sent Items

The Sent Items view allows you to see all of the items that have been sent. You have the ability to delete these items. Many features exist in CommerceBuddy that utilize the Sent Items view.

In the Customer Pop-Up, you can filter for all items mailed to and all communications with the customer by clicking on the Sent Items Filter.

Sent Items Filter
A Filter on Sent Items is not as powerful as a query. A filter can take the form of the exact information you want to filter for or can contain one wild card (*) such as "ED*" ("*ED" will not work). This filter works only on e-mail addresses.

Remove Filter
Once you have applied the filter, click on Remove Filter to remove it.

Right Click
You can right click on any message to filter the Sent Items based on the selected e-mail address.